I was looking for downloading some pdf file from a webpage without right clicking each link and hit “save as”. The best open source way of doing that is by using “wget”. This is a command line way of downloading all files matching file extensions. If you’re looking for GUI way, use some browser addons like DownloadThemAll!
I prefer the commandline way so as to minimize the dependency on browser addons as it may become a memory hog later.
To Download pdf files from a web page, here is what you’ve to do:
- Install wget. Download wget from here and extract the tar file to your preferred directory. If you’re using Microsoft Windows, get the wget for windows (complete package) and install it.
- Add wget to OS path. Since this a commandline utility, you need to add wget to windows path (or your OS path).
From commandline, run as shown in this example :set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin
The directory is the actual path of wget.exe file.Now, run wget from the folder you need to download files to as follows:
Open command prompt and cd (change directory) to your download folder
Run wget -r -l 1 -nd -nH -A pdf http://example.com/pdftexts.php to download all pdf files from the webpage mentioned in the command. You can change file formats in the command
For more wget command help: